The ultimate Music sharing platform using PHP and Mysql with source code.

The ultimate Music sharing platform using PHP and Mysql with source code.

The project the ultimate music sharing platform using php and mysql is a complete ultimate music sharing platform script (CMS) which you can use to create your own music sharing/ store website. It includes many features which makes it unique for your music sharing website project. It has a high quality design and easy to modify.
This platform script comes with a very powerful admin panel where you can monitor your website activities; change your website to your preferred settings and much more. See them below:
Dashboard: Shows you the total number of Songs, album, plays, revenue, users, artists, playlists, inactive users, with full detailed chart of all the users’ statics.
General settings: Here you can modify user settings like (maintenance mode, account validation, etc.), FFMPEG system setting, Prevent Login Settings (bad login limit), Notification settings like (Email notification), Activation settings, etc.
Songs settings: Here you can add new, edit, delete categories, albums, playlists, and payment requests, manage son reviews, etc.
Users: Here you can manage your users, artist request, custom profile fields, affiliate settings and others.
Earnings: See total earnings, month earnings, track sales, pro sales, and statics graph.
Pro system: enable and disable pro system.
Blogs: Add blog articles, add blog categories, manage blog, etc.
Advertisement: place adverts, manage users advert etc.
Languages: manage, add, and delete site language.
Design: change the whole site to a new theme. Comes with two themes. Change site design, custom design.
Tools: Manage announcement, auto follow, mass notification, ban user, generate sitemap, backup, mailing list.
Pages: manage all site pages like the terms and condition page, privacy policy, etc.
Reports: see any reported user, and take action on them.

Front end features
Upload music: upload any song or music you want and share with other artists or users
Import music: import music from itunes.
Feed: see other users songs, you can like, dislike, comment, repost, share, etc
Sell songs: Sell your songs to other users and make money
Chat system: chat with other users.
Wave generator: generates real time waves of any music.
User profile: create your own user profile by filling in your details.
Modes: comes with dark and light mode
Pro system
Hall of fame
Receive notification
And many more…

Script Include
And many more…

Before we proceed with the installation, make sure you have the following installed on your server

PHP 5.5 +
MySQLi Extension
GD Library

Elvis Obi

Elvis Obi

Software Engineer and Technical Support

I am a Software Engineer, Technical Expert, Cloud DevOps, Web and APP Developer & Digital Marketer living in Lagos Nigeria. I spend my days with my hands on many different areas of Troubleshooting, and Engineering, which includes; Technical Support, Cloud DevOps, SaaS Architect, web development from backend programming to frontend engineering. I assist customers with software installation and configuration, Diagnosing and resolving network connectivity issues, Providing guidance on using new product features, Updating company websites with technical documentation and tips, Performing regular system maintenance and updates, Overseeing daily computer system performance to prevent issues etc. I create online subscription for for all kinds of websites using Software as a Service(SAAS). I am  passionate about my work and i  love simplicity in things and crafts beautiful user interfaces with love.


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