Advanced Bitcoin Mining Webiste using PHP Source Code

Advanced Bitcoin Mining Webiste using PHP Source Code

This advanced Bitcoin Mining PHP Script is made with Laravel Framework. this system is fast, lightweight, secure and powerful. This System is written in PHP and MYSQL database with the complete zipped source code provided on payment. This system can be used by IT students for their IT projects

About the advanced bitcoin mining website using PHP

This project called the advanced bitcoin mining website in PHP is a bitcoin mining PHP script which is written in PHP and can be used to create an online bitcoin mining website. This Advanced bitcoin mining system has so many features which are listed below.

This Web Application is written in PHP Language and Uses MySQL Database. This system can be accessed in two ways which are the admin panel and the users side or panel.

From the admin panel, the administrator manages and modifies the website contents or users and other activities going on the website. The admin sets up the email and SMS settings for emailing features. The administrator can view and manage all deposits on the platform, they also approve withdrawals.

Features of the advanced bitcoin mining website using PHP

 Admin Panel

Dashboard: Shows the summary of website activities like deposits, withdrawal, investments, users, etc.

Transfer log

Referral earning

View support tickets

Account information

Create plan

Manage created plans

System settings

Email settings

SMS settings

Manage FAQs

Update profile

Deposit system settings

Withdrawal system settings

Manage approved and withdrawal

Manage currency

Custom page modifications

SEO optimization

Withdrawal log

Change password

Blog system

Create blog category

Manage articles

Customize Home Page

Change account information

Mobile optimized

Send email to users

Manage web pages

Logo and favicon settings

View contact messages

Manage reviews

Users Side

Dashboard: Shows the user profit, user earnings, progress track and referral link.

Identity verification system

View deposits

7 plus payment gateways. Eg. Paypal, stripe, flutterwave, etc

Request earnings withdrawal

Cashout history

Mining system (choose plan)

Profit calculator

Share BTC

Get support

Update account info like name, address, etc.

Change profile photo

Change password

Change pin

Two factor authentication system

Referral system

Search system

Almost all servers already have them installed.

PHP 0 +

PDO PHP Extension

Mbstring PHP Extension

XML PHP Extension

FIle_get_contents enabled

MYSQL Database


fIle_put_contents enabled

PHP Extension

Tokenizer PHP Extension

GMP PHP Extension


Elvis Obi

Elvis Obi

Software Engineer and Technical Support

I am a Software Engineer, Technical Expert, Cloud DevOps, Web and APP Developer & Digital Marketer living in Lagos Nigeria. I spend my days with my hands on many different areas of Troubleshooting, and Engineering, which includes; Technical Support, Cloud DevOps, SaaS Architect, web development from backend programming to frontend engineering. I assist customers with software installation and configuration, Diagnosing and resolving network connectivity issues, Providing guidance on using new product features, Updating company websites with technical documentation and tips, Performing regular system maintenance and updates, Overseeing daily computer system performance to prevent issues etc. I create online subscription for for all kinds of websites using Software as a Service(SAAS). I am  passionate about my work and i  love simplicity in things and crafts beautiful user interfaces with love.


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